Staff Spotlight: Grace Zibaka

Staff Spotlight: Grace Zibaka

Ever the interesting bunch, our recently promoted Grace has been showcasing her entrepreneurial spirit with her new drop shipping business – already boasting significant reach with her own bespoke advertising strategy.

We caught up with Grace to find out more about her new position and business.

What is your role at Blume? 

I recently progressed from a Customer Care Expert to Assistant Team Leader. 

What does your average day look like/main responsibilities? 

My main responsibility is to ensure that Team Leaders have any extra support that they may need with other agents. This includes updating stats, coaching agents, running the floor when team leaders are off and vetting PI claims to make sure they are suitable. Most recently, I have been assisting Amber with the new starters, helping with role play, coaching, and delivering training sessions. 

How did you get into your role? 

I’ve always worked hard and wanted more for myself. I have experience from previous workplaces and my Customer Care Expert position with Blume, so when I saw the job opening, I went for it; I didn’t even tell anyone that I had applied!

What is the favourite project or role you’ve ever worked on? 

I can’t decide, so I’ll say two:  

  1. I managed and delivered a call-back project, where my hard work saw call-back figures drop by hundreds during the weeks after delivering my sessions to our agents. 
  2. My position as Assistant Team Leader has given me the opportunity to help Amber with new starters, build skills and develop myself inside and outside of work.

Where are we most like to find you outside of work? 

You’ll mostly find me at home working on my new venture and keeping up with family and friends, especially my siblings and little sister who I’ve recently met. 

Is there anything else you feel we should know about you? 

I’m currently getting into drop shipping and have just launched my trial website selling seasonal products for Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and other seasonal events.

My goal is to identify a niche and generate sales from one product. Currently though, I’m focussing on perfecting my own bespoke advertising strategy which I’ve already launched using Facebook Ads!

I’d like to work toward a role as Marketing Director, so I’m using my experience inside and outside of work to help me reach that position.